Julio de 2024
4th, 5th and 6th Primary School students had their Open lessons too. Enjoy some of the pictures and videos of those special afternoons with the company of the families at school.
Thank you helpers for capturing the most important moments and thanks to all children and teachers who could make these lessons possible.
Claps to everyone, you really rocked it!
School of English heads - Adriana & Milagros
Fechas para agendar
PS MAKE-UP day 1
School of English
Reunión de Familias de ingresantes al Jardín 2025
PS MAKE-UP day 2
School of English
Acto de fin de Ciclo Lectivo
Actividades de fin de ciclo inicial
Acto de fin de Ciclo Lectivo (si llueve el 18)
Actividades de fin de ciclo inicial 2da fecha